Anxiety-Free Dentistry with No Shot, No Drill Laser Fillings

Posted on: October 3, 2016

No Shot, No Drill laser fillings Have you considered getting no shot, no drill laser fillings for your cavities? If you are like the majority of the population, the idea of going to the dentist and having to deal with your cavities causes you stress. Many people do not get their cavities treated because they feel the traditional way of getting the cavities filled, which involves needles, drills, and Novocaine is an extremely scary prospect.  The idea of having to deal with the drill or needles is so scary to some people, that between 30 and 40 million Americans never visit the dentist based on their anxiety and fear.  That is an estimated 9% to 15% of the population. Dental phobia or anxiety is an extremely common condition and is traditionally caused by the tools used by the dentist when they are trying to fill the cavities in your mouth. Today we have an option called the no shot, no drill laser filling. Using the most advanced technology available we are able to fill your cavities without ever having to rely on the tools that scare people the most. With no shot, no drill laser fillings we use laser technology instead of old school Novocaine and dental drills to get your cavities taken care of.

Because of the advancements in technology today we can use the no shot, no drill laser fillings to address 70% of cavity cases that come through our doors. Among the most exciting developments is the fact that using the laser significantly cuts down on the amount of time you will need to spend in the dentist chair. For some cavities, the dental procedure can take as little as 15 minutes. This may come as a shock to patients who are used to spending several hours in the dental chair to deal with their cavities. Many of our patients are thrilled to find that the procedure is completely different from the one they have been used to getting most of their life. There are significant advantages to using a laser versus using the handheld tools like a drill, or having to use local anesthesia to numb the gums. The time savings is a huge advantage, as is the fact that we no longer rely on local anesthesia which means you will be able to leave the clinic with feeling in your gums, and not looking like you walked into a door, mouth first.

A lot of patients who elect to get their procedure done with the no shot, no drill laser filling process tell us that among the most exciting developments is the fact that they no longer have to deal with the shrill noise that is made by a traditional dental drill. This, in their own words, makes the process less frightening and makes many patients more likely to come in and get their decay treated.  From the dentist’s perspective using no shot, no drill laser fillings process also has significant advantages. Using a laser means that we can target the laser specifically to the spot where the decay is occurring. This can be done without the laser cutting into any of the healthy enamel or the dentin of the tooth. The laser works by heating up water molecules in the tooth which expand and dislodge the decay. Essentially, this is a far more holistic and less intrusive way of dealing with cavities.

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